Category: College Football

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IU vs Purdue Nov 25 photo gallery

31 – 35 Purdue takes home the Bucket

Purdue VS Wisconsin Student Experience

From the field, the game is a lot different. I have been a Purdue fan since I could remember and have worked my way up into media through Delphi Bracketology. From the press box, which I thought was the coolest thing ever, to the field. This is a great opportunity for students. As a 4-year …

Wisconsin vs Purdue

What happened? What does it mean? Overall takeaways

Purdue VS Fresno State State

Fresno State Purdue Total Yards 487 363 Rushing Yards 116 109 Interceptions 0 1 Total 1st downs 27 19 Penalties 7-66 4-35 Tackles 53 67 Red Zone Points 22 21 Final report The game was very back and forth. At one point Purdue was up two touchdowns however the tables turned in the 4th quarter ending …